September 22, 2019
Serving makes us more like Jesus. Isn’t that the goal? Pastor Nichole Schreiber
Serving makes us more like Jesus. Isn’t that the goal? Pastor Nichole Schreiber
Building Jesus-centered lives happens best in community. Pastor Nichole Schreiber
God rebuilds the broken. We have seen a great need and choose to be part of the solution. Pastor Nichole […]
We are called to generosity regardless of our circumstances. Pastor Nichole Schreiber Week 3 of 3
We will either worship our wealth or worship with our wealth. Pastor Daniel Brooker Week 2 of 3
Our generosity paves the way for others to come to know Jesus. Pastor Steve Rhoades Week 1 of 3
Faith sees the opportunities placed in front of us while doubt focuses only on the obstacles. Pastor Nichole Schreiber Week […]
Trading criticism for encouragement creates a ripple effect that changes the world around you. Pastor Nichole Schreiber Week 3 of […]
Genuine gratitude changes our perspectives and helps us find real-world satisfaction. Pastor Nichole Schreiber Week 2 of 4
We must take advantage of every opportunity to bring people into God’s Kingdom. Pastor Nichole Schreiber Week 1 of 4