March 8, 2020
30 MINUTE THEOLOGY – How Do You Define The Trinity?
What can we understand about the nature and relationship between God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit? […]
What can we understand about the nature and relationship between God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit? […]
God allows us to connect to Him and have relationship with Him every day. Pastor Nichole Schreiber Week 4 of […]
God can and still does divine healing today. Pastor Nichole Schreiber Week 3 of 4
God is greater than your failure, and He hasn’t given up on you. Pastor Nichole Schreiber Week 1 of 4
We find freedom from anxiety the more we surrender our need for control over to God. Allyson Sarring
The Bible says “ask whatever you wish, and it will be done”– so what do we do when our prayers […]
What does “dying to self” mean in today’s culture? Pastor Nichole Schreiber featuring Amber Shearer and Tom Heinrich
We must take advantage of every opportunity to bring people into God’s Kingdom. Pastor Nichole Schreiber Week 1 of 4
Pastor Danielle Frano shares her experience leading a recent Kingdom Builders team in Cambodia and the call on everyone to […]