Advent Reading Plan



November 28 – Jesus Gives Us Strength

PRAY: Heavenly Father, show us Your Good News. Reveal Your strength and power in our lives. Draw us close and protect us as a shepherd protects his flock. Lead us into Your presence and help us remember Your promises. 

READ: Isaiah 40:9-11 

REFLECT: Share a time Jesus has gathered you close, carried you, or led you.



November 29 – Jesus Lights Our Path

PRAY: Lord, we invite You to establish Your kingdom in our hearts. Teach us Your ways so we may walk in Your paths. We want to see Your light shine into the darkness of this world. We long for Your glorious return. 

READ: Isaiah 2:2-5 

REFLECT: Share one way we can walk in the Lord’s light today.



November 30 – Jesus Comforts Us

PRAY: Father, proclaim Your peace and salvation message to our hearts. Fill our spirits with Your joy, that we may testify to Your goodness and provision in the presence of our peers. Comfort and redeem us from all unrighteousness, that we may rejoice in Your goodness all the days of our lives. 

READ: Isaiah 52:7-9 

REFLECT: Share one quality of our Heavenly Father that makes you want to shout for joy.



December 1 – Jesus Fills Our Hearts

PRAY: Speak tenderly to our hearts today, Father God. Comfort us with Your promises, strengthen us with Your provision. We are weary and worn out from our time here on earth; encourage our souls by revealing the glory of what lies ahead. 

READ: Isaiah 40:1-5 

REFLECT: What does it mean to be pardoned of our iniquity? How should this powerful truth impact our day-to-day Iives?



December 2 – Jesus Sets The Captives Free

PRAY: You are our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. Sow the seed of truth in our hearts today, that we may reap Your bountiful harvest in our lives. Give us victory over all who oppress us and shield us from the dangers of this world. 

READ: Isaiah 9:2-7 

REFLECT: What name for Jesus (vs. 6) speaks to your heart most and why?




December 5 – Jesus Fulfills His Promises

PRAY: Father, You are great and worthy of our praise. Satisfy us with the truth of Your Word as we draw near to You during this Advent season. Help us see the beautiful gift of Your promise fulfilled in Bethlehem, in the Christ-child You sent to seek and save the lost. 

READ: Luke 1:46-55 

REFLECT: What does Mary’s prayer reveal about the work of preparation God was doing in her heart?


December 6 – Jesus Saves Us From Our Sin

PRAY: Prepare our hearts to receive the gift of Jesus  Christ this Christmas. Help us understand what it means to have God with us, every moment of every day. Thank You, Heavenly Father, for fulfilling all your promises to us and sending Your Son to save us from our sins. 

READ: Matthew 1:18-25 

REFLECT: How can we relate to Mary’s experience as we wait for the second coming of Christ?


December 7 – Jesus Justifies Us

PRAY: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for revealing Your righteousness and mercy through Your Son, Jesus. Thank You for giving us faith to beli eve He is the only one who can save us. And thank You for justifying us freely by Your grace through the redemption of Christ. 

READ: Romans 3:21-26 

REFLECT: What did God do to “declare us righteous” in spite of our many sins?


December 8 – Jesus Prays For Us

PRAY: Father, thank You for the gift of Your Word. Sanctify us by Your truth and teach us how to live in a manner that brings joy to Your heart. Thank You for sending Jesus to intercede for us. 

READ: John 17:13-19 

REFLECT: The word sanctify means, “to make holy; set apart.” How does God’s Word sanctify us?


December 9 – Jesus Frees Us From Death

PRAY: Thank you, Jesus, for Your generous sacrifice on our behalf. You were made perfect through suffering in order to sanctify us before God and free us from the fear of death. You tasted death for us so we can enjoy eternity with You. We are grateful. 

READ: Hebrews 2:9-15 

REFLECT: How did Jesus suffer during His time on earth? What was the purpose of His suffering?



December 12 – Jesus Is Returning

PRAY: Father in Heaven, help us to be alert and keep watch for the day of Christ’s glorious return. Though we do not know what hour, we know He is coming again. The promise of His return fills our hearts with peace and anticipation. 

READ: Matthew 24:36-44 

REFLECT: How does the promise of Christ’s return affect your heart and your perspective on current world events?



December 13 – Jesus Is Preparing For Us

PRAY: We trust Your plan and purpose for our lives and thank You for making space for us in Your fam ily. How we long to be with You in heaven and enjoy the comfort and peace of our eternal home. Come soon, Lord Jesus. We are eagerly awaiting Your arrival. 

READ: John 14:1-4 

REFLECT: How does the knowledge that Jesus is preparing a place for you infuse your heart with peace?


December 14 – Jesus Observes Us

PRAY: We long to see You on Your glorious throne, Lord Jesus. We eagerly await the day when all the nations will gather before You and all will be set right again. Help us live righteous lives and share Your love with all we meet until that day comes. 

READ: Matthew 25:31-40 

REFLECT: Share one small way you believe God can use you to show His love to a member of your community.



December 15 – Jesus Intercedes For Us

PRAY: Your deep love for us has been revealed through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ–who now lives to intercede on our behalf. We do not deserve Your mercy and grace, Father, but we accept it with hearts full of gratitude and peace. 

READ: Romans 8:31-39 

REFLECT: Share one way God’s love has helped you overcome criticism of others.



December 16 – Jesus Purifies Us

PRAY: Jesus, You are the grace of God revealed to all m ankind. We ask You to teach us how to follow Your example of selfless service and m ercy. Thank You for transform ing us from the inside out and giving us hearts that desire to do good and not evil. 

READ: Titus 2:11-14 

REFLECT: Share one way you’ve seen God gently shift the desires of your heart in recent weeks.



December 19 – Jesus Is Righteous

PRAY: Father God, draw near to us today. Help us when we fall, meet our needs in Your perfect timing, satisfy our hearts with Your goodness and grace all the days of our lives. We praise Your Holy name forever. 

READ: Psalm 145:14-21 

REFLECT: Share one good thing God has done in your life recently so we can praise Him together.


December 20 – Jesus Is The Anointed One

PRAY: Heavenly Father, we are surrounded by people who ridicule Your Son and rebel against Your ways. Show us how to live for You in this present age; give us eyes to see Your workings among our people. We praise You for sending Your Son to secure our eternal inheritance. 

READ: Psalm 2:1-9 

REFLECT: What does this passage reveal about the destiny of all who reject God’s Anointed One?


December 21 – Jesus Is The Priestly King

PRAY: We volunteer to serve You as warriors in the great spiritual battle that is raging for the souls of mankind. We invite You to rule over our lives with Your mighty scepter and worship You as our Priestly King forever. We praise You for the many ways You provide for and guide Your people. 

READ: Psalm 110 

REFLECT: God has promised to judge the nations. How can we find comfort in this promise during turbulent times?


December 22 – Jesus Is Our Cornerstone

PRAY: Lord, You are the cornerstone upon which we build our lives. We have not rejected You because You are the source of our hope and salvation. Open the gates of righteousness for all who bear Your name, that we may enter and give thanks. 

READ: Psalm 118:19-26 

REFLECT: Share one area in which you’d like God to grant you success. How would success in this area glorify His name?


December 23 – Jesus Is Praiseworthy

PRAY: Heavenly Father, thank You for piercing Your Son for our transgressions. Because of the mercy and grace revealed through Jesus Christ, we will praise You all the days of our lives. Humble our hearts and show us how to find satisfaction in You alone. 

READ: Psalm 22:14-26 

REFLECT: What’s one way we can proclaim Jesus’ name and praise Him “in the congregation” this Christmas?

